my hero
2011-10-12 / 14:12:45 / Buffy the vampire slayer / 0 kommentarer
Seriously… I miss Buffy. The first vampire show. My life. My childhood. Angel was the first one I was in love with and after him, Spike. Buffy have learned me everything I need to know in this world. She learned me that I always should keep my friends and family close, never give up. And always fight for the good side. Willow have learned me that even if you once were a geek you can be strong and powerful. Xander have learned me that funny sentences always helps in awkward moments. Because of Buffy I'm not afraid of anything. When I'm alone in the dark and it feels like someone is following me or watching me, I just think "what would Buffy do?" And then, I'm not afraid anymore! Thank you Buffy! :) I can just say that Buffy the vampire slayer means so much to me, and it always will. Buffy, forever! ♥