dag 26 - Your favorite quote

2011-08-03 / 08:22:54 / olika listor. / 1 kommentarer
haha det är för många! Men här kommer några.

"Finn can fly?! - Brittany s. Pierce
"You've been gleed, baby!" - Naya Rivera (Santana)
Kurt dad is in the hospital cause he had a heart attack.
Brittany: "I made him a card that said 'heart attacks are just from loving too much' "
"I don't brush my teeth, I rinse my mouth out with soda after I eat. I was pretty sure Dr. Pepper was some sort of dentist." - Brittany S. Pierce
"Can you please not pull out all of my teeth? When I smile I look an a adult baby, with boobs." - Brittany S. Pierce
"I'm pretty sure my cat's been reading my diary." - Brittany S. Pierce
"Sometimes I forget my middle name." Brittany S. Pierce
"I look forward to the day the paparazzi provokes me and I attack them." - Rachel Berry
"It was a message from God: Rachel was a hot Jew and the good lord wanted me to get into her pants." - Puck
Sue: Iron pill? Keeps you strong while menstruating.
Will: I don't menstruate.
Sue: Me neither.
"Hey, ankle grabber. I slept with your mom. No, really. I cleaned your pool, and then I slept with your mom - in your bed. Nice Star Wars sheets." - Puck
Santana: Yeah, well, this is a club. This is not a family.
Brittany: Okay, well, family is a place where everyone loves you no matter what, and they accept you for who you are.
Mercedes: Did you know New York City was built on top of Old York City?
Tina: I'm pretty sure that's not sure.
"When did you get so smart?" - Santana (To brittany)
"I'm from Lima Heights Adjacent and I'm proud. Do you know what goes down in Lima Heights Adjacent? Bad things!" - Santana
"Wait, this is the moment in those romantic comedies where I kiss you." - Finn

Sue: Your nickname is Panda Express.
Howard: But I'm not Chinese.
Sue: Neither is the food at Panda House.

Santana: Just because I hate everyone doesn't mean they have to hate me too.
Brittany: It's just a stupid crown. You can buy it at the Party Store.

"I'm going to go to prom by myself and really work on me and dance with other people's dates." - Brittany S. Pierce

"I do love you. Clearly you don't love you, as much as I do, otherwise you'd put that shirt on and dance with me." - Brittany S. Pierce

Santana: You really need to be more careful with your leering.
Karofsky: I was just checking out what kind of jeans he was wearing.
Santana: Like that's any less gay.

Finn: Break a leg.
Rachel: Last time we were here you told me you loved me.

jag hade kunnat fortsätta i evigheter. Men ni kan läsa mer här: http://www.tvfanatic.com/quotes/shows/glee/


Postat av: ohbsxl











2011-08-18 @ 08:29:20
URL: http://google.com

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